Captain Saney moors his twin-hulled ferry class boat, the Loose Goose at Pine Lake Marina from where he operates guided cruises for between 2-12 people on the Swartvlei Lake, the largest of the lakes in the Garden Route Lakes District.
Special trips can be arranged for birdwatchers, picnics, birthdays or any other chosen occasion or just to enjoy a full tour of the lake.
A regular ½ hour cruise viewing the lake and whatever is happening in and around its environment is R25-00 per person. Captain Saney will tell you about the lake’s history, its birds and other interesting snippets as the Loose Goose cruises leisurely in the direction of the Wolwe River, one of the Swartvlei’s 3 tributaries. The two other tributaries that feed the lake are the Karatara and the Hoogekraal.
A birdwatchers’ cruise takes place at 8am on a Thursday morning. This cruise is R60-00 per person. You may catch sight of an otter, a Fish Eagle or two and any number of water birds amongst the reeds on the shoreline. You could spot a shoal of fish swimming just below the surface of the lake or see a large one jump near the boat. Nature is full of surprises often when you least expect them!
A 1hr Sunset cruise includes a selection of wines, juice and freshly prepared snacks that may be enjoyed as the boat glides quietly to a peaceful corner of the lake so you can watch the sun go down over the Outeniqua mountains. This cruise is R80-00 per person.
To be sure of a place on a cruise, book in advance by phoning Captain Saney on 084 793 4722 or Take a chance and book directly at the boathouse at Pine Lake Marina. On the other hand, if you’re staying at Pine Lake you can decide if the weather is right and book on the day.
Physical Address:
Pine Lake Marina, Sedgefield, Garden Route